Discover Our Science-Based Shortcut That Can Get You CRAZY Results in the Next 90 Days!

The Best Part Is… It’s Literally GUARANTEED To Help You Make A Jaw Dropping Transformation In The Next 90 Days!

Without Following Any Starvation Diets, Mind-Numbingly Boring Cardio Sessions, Or Using Heavy Weights That Hurt Your Joints!


YES! I Want to See If I Qualify for the V

Shred Accelerator PLUS Program NOW!

Find Out How These People Got INCREDIBLE Results with Our “Metabolic Accelerator” Method!

Results may vary. The testimonials featured may have used more than one Sculpt Nation product or extended multiple 12-week
V Shred programs to achieve their maximum results. For typical results of some of our programs see our testimonial support page.


Metabolic Assessment NOW!

Results may vary. The testimonials featured may have used more than one Sculpt Nation product or extended multiple 12-week V Shred programs to achieve their maximum results. For typical results of some of our programs see our testimonial support page.


Metabolic Assessment NOW!

Congratulations! The fact you’re on THIS page right now tells me you’re on the RIGHT path!

You realized that your body and your health aren’t currently where you WANT them to be…

And unlike the millions of men and women who sit around complaining about their situation…

You’re being ACTIVE about finding a better way to get the RESULTS you want.

You’re looking for a proven shortcut that can help you:

👉 Burn through your stubborn fat… finally revealing that fit, toned body that’s been hiding underneath…

👉 Sculpt lean, sexy muscle that makes you stand out in whatever you choose to wear…

👉 SKYROCKET your metabolism… your energy… and your confidence… so you wake up each morning looking and feeling your ABSOLUTE best.

And The Good News Is…

You Just FOUND That Shortcut!

Because I’m about to introduce you to our “Metabolic Accelerator” method…

That takes all the usual frustrations and confusion around getting in shape… and WIPES them out.


  • Getting to enjoy delicious meals every day… KNOWING these meals have been OPTIMIZED for YOUR body… to help maximize your natural fat burning metabolism.(You don’t have to worry about counting calories or macros… you just eat and enjoy while the fat melts off.

  • Enjoying RAPID results from your workouts… WITHOUT spending hours in the gym…or chained to some boring treadmill. Because these short, simple, home-based workouts help UNLEASH your natural fat burning hormones… so your body handles all the hard work FOR you.

  • KNOWING that you’re going to LOVE the way you look in just 90 days from now… because you have truly world-class fitness coaches guiding you every step of the way… giving you that Hollywood A-List treatment… and GUARANTEEING to help you uncover your dream body.

Well… you don’t have to imagine ANY of this.

Because after working with over 3 million men and women over the last few years…

Me and my team of world-class V Shred trainers figured out EXACTLY what it takes to generate life-changing physical transformations lightning fast.

We know EVERYTHING you need…

To make CONSISTENT progress week after week…

So you can take the FAST track to finally uncovering the body of your dreams.

And we want to walk you through ALL of it.

So Not Only Will You Start Making

Noticeable Changes To Your Body

Starting On Day 1…

But When You Follow This Proven Shortcut… I Literally Guarantee You Will Get Amazing, Life-Changing Results In The Next 90 Days!

Because like I said…

My team has helped over 3 MILLION men and women get into the BEST shape of their lives…

These are people from all different age groups…

With every kind of “body type” you can imagine…

Who live many different kinds of lifestyles.

Stay at home moms, office workers, traveling nurses, night shift workers, truckers, policemen, retired grandparents, weekend warriors, the list goes on and on.

Some of these people had 20… 50… 100+ pounds to lose.

Others were just looking to sculpt some lean shapely muscle…

Yet no matter WHO they were…

Or what their fitness goals were…

We’ve been able to help them REACH those goals…

FASTER and EASIER than anything else they’ve ever tried.

And that’s NOT by accident or coincidence.

That’s because we’ve spent YEARS obsessing over what it REALLY takes to get people RAPID (and LASTING) results.

And I want to share those discoveries with you now…


Metabolic Assessment NOW!

There Are Only 3 Elements You Need In Order to Totally Transform Your Body, Your Health & Your LIFE…

A Custom Plan Built Specifically for YOUR Body Type

There’s no such thing as “1 size fits all” when it comes to getting in amazing shape. Because what works for YOU might not work for someone else.

That’s why it’s crucial that your plan is full of foods you love and exercises that don’t feel like torture. Because choking down bland boring meals 3 times a day or doing 2-hour workouts 7 days a week, is NOT sustainable. It’s a recipe for failure.

Step one is learning what works for you. How to move, eat and rest in a healthy, sustainable way that will help you get the body that gives you confidence and makes you feel powerful.

Consistency & Accountability

Step 2 is all about consistency. This is the KEY to getting results that last.

But it’s hard to stay consistent and motivated 100% of the time. Even for me. So it’s important you have someone supportive who can give you some extra motivation when you feel like skipping a workout or giving up altogether…

This might sound simple, but most people have problems staying consistent because they don’t have anyone to keep them accountable. And often this is the ONLY difference between success and failure.

Community AND 1-1 Support

Getting in shape is hard enough… but when you try and do it yourself?!

It’s even harder!

So along with the right plan and accountability, it’s important to have a community of people you can turn to for advice, feedback, and support when you need it most.

Plus being able to talk to people who are on the same journey as you is incredibly valuable and it can help you get results even faster!

With the V Shred Accelerator program, you get access to our private community PLUS a direct line with your Coach – message through our private VIP coaching app anytime you need help with literally ANYTHING on your fitness journey.

That’s all it takes!

Custom Plan + Accountability & Consistency + 1-1 Support

= Guaranteed Results

After working with millions of men and women we’ve found if you have all 3 of these you literally cannot fail…

But remove one of those elements… and your chances of transforming your body will plummet.

We don’t want that to happen to you… So we combined all of these into an easy-to-follow 3 step program…

To Give You GUARANTEED Results In 90 Days.


The 90-Day V Shred Accelerator

PLUS Program

A Customized Personal Training Program For Anyone Who Wants To Shed Unwanted Fat, Build Lean Muscle And Feel Confident & Energetic at Any Age

  • A custom “done-for-you” nutrition plan that allows you to eat delicious foods you love while stripping away unwanted belly fat and building lean muscle at the same time…

  • Easy to follow workouts that shred fat while increasing energy in the shortest amount of time possible (These are short effective workouts… so there’s no need to live in the gym, do long cardio sessions or lift heavy)

  • Unlimited in app messaging through our private VIP coaching app with your own personal trainer for motivation, accountability and plan adjustments (if there’s anything you don’t like about your training or diet, just tell your trainer and they’ll change it ASAP!)

  • A monthly video call with your trainer to check-in and discuss your plan, progress and goals!

  • A total body “Detox” that gets rid of nasty toxins while boosting your energy, digestion, and mood! Many people tell us this is the best they’ve EVER felt

  • Access to a private community of people who are on the same fitness journey as you. This is key for support and motivation.

  • Lose pounds of fat while toning and reshaping your body,

    and boosting your energy - in just 90 days!

  • Build new habits and a sustainable healthy lifestyle that you LOVE… So you can make progress and enjoy your new body for life.

YES! I Want to See If I Qualify for the V Shred Accelerator PLUS Program NOW!

Here’s How the V Shred Accelerator PLUS Program Works And What You Can Expect Through Each Phase of the Program…

Phase 1: The Reset Phase

Phase 1 is all about “resetting” your metabolism and ‘waking up’ your dormant fat burning hormones… so you can get mind-blowing results starting on day 1 of the program.

But before we even start phase 1 we’re going to create a fully custom nutrition and training plan specifically for your body type, preferences and goals. So you can eat foods you LOVE and start transforming your body!

Simply tell your trainer what your goals are, what foods you like to eat, and a bit about your health and fitness background along with any special requirements you might have (soreness or injury, etc) and they’ll create the custom plan specifically for you.

Next, follow your custom plan.

Pretty quickly you’ll notice your energy increases, sleep improves and your appetite might change as well.

Those are all signs your metabolism is resetting and your hormones are waking up!

Of course, if there’s anything you don’t like about your plan or you want to make a change just let your trainer know and they’ll make adjustments for you.

We want to make sure that we have a plan you like so we can build a ton of momentum for Phase 2!

The Specifics of Phase 1:

  • 4 Weeks of Custom Meal Plans - remember this is NOT a starvation diet. It’s about eating foods you love that FUEL your body and give you energy while burning fat…

  • Intro to Carb Cycling - Your trainer will show you how to get the fat-burning benefits of a low-carb diet… while still eating delicious carbs!

  • Simple and Easy To Follow Recipes - All recipes can be made in 20-30 minutes MAX and the ingredients can be found at any normal grocery store.

  • Beginner-Friendly Workouts - Whether you were a workout warrior in the past, or you’ve never been to the gym before… we’ll help you get in the swing of things with the first set of workouts.

  • Monthly Video Check-Ins and Unlimited In App Messaging Support - If you have questions or need to make adjustments to your nutrition or exercise plan for any reason… Just send your trainer a message in the app and they’ll make the changes!

Phase 1: The Reset Phase

Phase 1 is all about “resetting” your metabolism and ‘waking up’ your dormant fat burning hormones… so you can get mind-blowing results starting on day 1 of the program.

But before we even start phase 1 we’re going to create a fully custom nutrition and training plan specifically for your body type, preferences and goals. So you can eat foods you LOVE and start transforming your body!

Simply tell your trainer what your goals are, what foods you like to eat, and a bit about your health and fitness background along with any special requirements you might have (soreness or injury, etc) and they’ll create the custom plan specifically for you.

Next, follow your custom plan.

Pretty quickly you’ll notice your energy increases, sleep improves and your appetite might change as well.

Those are all signs your metabolism is resetting and your hormones are waking up!

Of course, if there’s anything you don’t like about your plan or you want to make a change just let your trainer know and they’ll make adjustments for you.

We want to make sure that we have a plan you like so we can build a ton of momentum for Phase 2!

The Specifics of Phase 2:

  • No counting calories, planning meals or logging food (your trainer will do all that for you)

  • Continue to use Carb Cycling to shred fat and add lean, shapely muscle…

  • Your trainer will make adjustments to your plan based on how you’re feeling and how much progress you’re making. Also if you want more variety with your meals or training, just let them know at any time!

  • Workouts will continue to ramp up and get more effective while you build more muscle and shred away more fat.

  • You’ll start to see how to create a healthy lifestyle that you love. So you can reach your goals in a sustainable way! No more losing weight only to gain it all back…

Phase 3: The TRANSFORM Phase

Phase 3 is where we bring everything together to skyrocket your results…

You’ll learn advanced tactics like how to make adjustments and tweaks to your plan… so you can live your life to the fullest and enjoy more indulgences like delicious snacks, occasional alcohol, or going out to eat with friends without slowing your progress.

Plus your trainer will continue with the usual check-ins, nutrition, and training adjustments during this phase but they’ll also take it a step further, so you can get maximum results and get the body you want during this phase!

The Specifics of Phase 3:

  • See how to use advanced training tactics and diet substitutions to accelerate your fat loss and body shaping even further…

  • Learn how to use training and nutrition to overcome plateaus… so you never feel stuck and frustrated by a lack of progress ever again.

  • Fine-tune your custom program so that you enjoy every bit of it and keep making progress towards your goals…

  • Plus get a final fitness reassessment to see what’s next for you!

After 12 weeks of the V Shred Accelerator PLUS experience, many of our clients lose so much fat and become so toned and fit that they barely recognize themselves!

(And they get complimented everywhere they go… from friends, family and co-workers who have a hard time recognizing them as well!)

This is awesome, but your plan might need to change or adjust so you can continue making progress!

Your trainer will help you figure out what’s best for YOU to do next.

Each Phase of The V Shred Accelerator PLUS Program Has Been Refined Over the Years, So You Get Amazing Results In 90 Days… GUARANTEED!*

Hit the Button Below to Apply Now and See if you’re a Good Fit For The Program

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get In The V Shred Accelerator Program…

1 on 1 Coaching and Accountability From Certified V Shred Trainers

You’ll get a Monthly Zoom Video Call, a Weekly Assessment, and UNLIMITED In App Messaging support with your trainer through our private VIP Coaching app! They’ll be by your side, virtually, 24/7 whenever you need some help.

Remember: Consistency is what REALLY makes the difference between success and failure! So your trainer will help keep you motivated throughout the entire length of the program.

Any time you have a question, want to make an adjustment, need some motivation, or want someone to keep you accountable just contact your trainer and they will help you out.

With 1 on 1 coaching like this, there’s literally no way you can fail!

(a $997 Value!)

12 Weeks of Easy to Follow Custom Workouts

No more feeling confused, lost or uncomfortable in the gym. Your trainer will create a custom plan based on your fitness experience, your goals and your lifestyle. No matter where you’re starting from, they create a plan that works for you. Plus it will be tailored to your lifestyle. So if there’s certain exercises you can’t do, you can’t access a gym, or you travel a lot for work (or fun) your trainer will find a way to make it work…

All you have to do is follow the plan and watch as your body transforms!

(a $997 Value!)

12 Weeks of Custom “Done For You” Recipes and Meal Plans

Your trainer will create a 100% custom meal plan around the foods YOU like to eat.

Everything is literally done for you… So all you have to do is follow the simple plan and eat the delicious meals - and watch as you add lean muscle and melt away unwanted fat!

All the recipes are easy to make, contain easy-to-find ingredients, and taste delicious because they were created by a celebrity chef.

Remember you can ask your trainers to change things up for you at any time. So if you want more variety in your meal plan just let them know and they’ll make the changes.

Most of your results will come from your diet. So it’s crucial that you eat foods you love and give you results. Your trainer will do this for you!

(a $997 Value!)

A Personalized App To Track Your Progress, Workouts & Meals

You’ll get access to a personalized V Shred VIP Coaching app to track workouts, meals and progress towards your goals. Not to mention you’ll have DAILY weight measurements to make sure you’re making consistent progress towards your goals. If this sounds overwhelming don’t worry… your trainer will help you out with this too. But it’s crucial for rapid progress towards your dream body!

(a $97 Value!)

Monthly CUSTOM Supplement Stack

Your Coach will create a CUSTOM Supplement Plan for you based on your goals, activity level, and program. They will HAND SELECT only the best supplements for you, from our best-selling fat burners and muscle boosters, to our pre-workout or Greens…

You’ll receive a shipment in the mail EVERY month to enhance the effects of whatever you’re doing on the nutrition and workout side. This is included for FREE with your program so there’s no guessing or overspending on supplements that won’t even work for you!

(a $800 Value!)

Private Facebook Group for Support and Community

Community is the 3rd essential piece for fat loss and fitness success. So you’ll also get access to a “members only” community where you can get advice and motivation from like-minded men who are on the same journey as YOU!

Whenever you have a question just ask the group and someone will help you out.

Want some encouragement? Just search for terms like “I lost 20 lbs” or “I lost 50 pounds” and you’ll see tons of amazing success stories from people like you who have transformed their bodies and their lives!



We can’t share all of them here…but as a VIP Member, you’ll also get INSTANT access to our VIP Member Perks!

We’re adding to this list ALL the time, so you’ll be in for a treat. From exclusive content, private webinars, and even healthy food shipped to your door (yes, we can have tasty meals shipped to you!), we have some exciting things in store when you enroll.


What’s Next?

Fill Out The Short Application Below to See If You’re a Good Fit for the V Shred Accelerator PLUS Program!

Your Results Are 100% GUARANTEED*



We’re SO confident that V Shred Accelerator PLUS will help you reach your goals… we’re backing this with our 100% Results Guarantee*.

Simply follow your trainer’s plans and send in weekly measurements, weigh-in details, along with before and after photos…

Show us you really are sticking with the program and doing what your Coach recommends to get the BEST possible result…

And if for some CRAZY reason you don’t see great results

by the end of the 90 days…

We will gladly refund 100% of your investment!

That’s how confident we are that this WILL work for you and put you on the path to a fitter, healthier, and better version of YOU! And to make this deal even sweeter...

Awesome Success Stories from V Shred Accelerator Members:

Results may vary. The testimonials featured may have used more than one Sculpt Nation product or extended multiple 12-week
V Shred programs to achieve their maximum results. For typical results of some of our programs see our testimonial support page.

It’s Not Too Late To Get The Body And Life You Want If Not Now… Then When?

We currently have a team of trainers on standby ready to take on A LIMITED NUMBER of clients for this program. This means we have to stop taking people when all the spots are taken.

But YOU could be one of the lucky few to claim a spot and transform your body in the next 90 days!

The V Shred Accelerator PLUS program includes all 3 pillars for maximum fat loss and body shaping success.

Custom training and nutrition plans built for YOUR body and YOUR preferences. Get every meal and workout mapped out for you…

Plus you’ll have accountability from a Certified V Shred Trainer every step of the way.

You can message your trainer via our private VIP coaching app anytime you want. And you get a monthly Zoom video call with them.

Plus you also get access to a private community of like-minded people who are on the same mission as you.

When you combine these 3 elements?

You cannot fail.

When you consider that the V Shred Accelerator PLUS program guarantees that you will CHANGE YOUR BODY (and your life) for the better in the next 90 days…

Wouldn’t you say you owe it to yourself to apply?

You’re GUARANTEED to get the body you want…

WITHOUT struggling, following a starvation diet, or doing endless ‘marathon workouts…

Or you pay nothing.

So if you’re ready to apply hit the button below, fill out the application and a member from our team will be in touch with you!

Can’t wait to see you inside!

Again, here’s what’s included when you join the V Shred Accelerator PLUS Program:

  • 100% Done For You Diet Plan (ALL your meals planned for you for the next 90 days)

  • 100% Custom Training Plan (easy to follow workouts designed for YOUR body type)

  • 1x Monthly Video Call with Your Coach

  • UNLIMITED In App Messaging with Your Coach through our private VIP Coaching app

  • 90 Day Supplement Stack (delivered
 monthly and customized for you)

  • Daily Weight Tracker

  • Weekly Assessment with Your Coach

  • UNLIMITED Adjustments To Give You Maximum Results in Minimum Time

  • Community Support From a Online Group of Fitness Experts

  • VIP BONUSES (including healthy meals delivered to your door, Concierge Support Line, supplement discounts, VIP Member content, and more!)

  • Results GUARANTEED*

Fill Out This 1-Minute Form Below To See If You Qualify:

Consult your physician and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program or using any supplement, nutrition plan or meal replacement product, especially if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or if you have any unique or special medical conditions.The contents on our website are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to diagnose any medical condition, replace the advice of a healthcare professional, or provide any medical device, diagnosis, or treatment.© 2023 V Shred, LLC. All rights reserved. V Shred, LLC is the owner of the V Shred and V Shred trademarks, and all related designs, trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property. All other trademarks are owned by their respective owners.This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

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